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The Bedford Book of Genres is very helpful in showing how important the integrating of sources is. What I found particularly helpful was the books clear outline of the differences between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. This is a very important difference to know, as a slip up could result in plagiarizing. The examples that the book provided for each of these instances was also very helpful. The part that I felt was most helpful because I knew the least about it was quoting from sources. The chapter spent many pages giving a very in-depth look specifically on quoting. Including what to quote, how to quote, and how to cite quotes. Thanks to this chapter, I now feel much more comfortable with the quoting process. The chapter also had an entire section on how to avoid plagiarism, which is something that I think many people do not realize they need to know. It is very easy to fall into the plagiarism trap, and often times you may not even know you are doing it. It is always good to actively avoid plagiarism. Although this may require extra work during the actual process, the result is a paper that is entirely your own work and free from the possibility of negative consequence. You cannot have a research paper without evidence to back up claims made in the paper, and this evidence comes in the form of sources. The book also shows how to properly cite sources used in various styles such as MLA and APA. Even when using an online citation generating source, it certainly does not hurt to check the outcome with resources such as the information provided in this chapter.

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