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Past Classes

For the past classes, I looked at Gabriela Rosario’s project three. I think her page was organized really really well, and I like the three genres she chose for project three. Her first was a prezi presentation about the decision-making process of sexual assault prosecutors. This really spoke to me because I used prezi a lot in high school, and I know it is really easy to use and fun for the viewer to operate. Her second genre was a pictograph with information about the decision-making process of sexual assault prosecutors. I think that this might have been a little bit repetitive of the prezi, but the layout was still very nice and easy to follow. Her third genre is another pictograph depicting the chain of events for prosecuting a sexual assault case. This was my favorite of her three genres. It was really interesting and easy to follow, and the subject matter was interesting – as it was kind of like a flowchart. This gave me the idea for one of my three genres for my project. I think I would like to do a pictograph flowchart depicting the different paths you can take during a photoshoot following a yes or no layout. For example, it will ask the question “Is it raining outside?” if the answer is yes, it will suggest to do the shoot in a covered area or inside. If the answer is no, it will suggest finding a comforting outside area to do the shoot. This is a very basic off the top of my head example, but you get the idea.

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